
An Introduction to the npm : An Absolute Beginner’s Guide

npm is the standard package manager for Node.js. In January 2017 over 350000 packages were reported being listed in the npm registry, making it the biggest single language code repository on Earth, and you can be sure there is a package…

Comparing MEAN vs. MERN: 5 Key Differences for Choosing the Best Web Development Stack!

Within the JavaScript ecosystem, a particular app will consist of a combination of technologies, called a “stack.” The MEAN, MERN, and MEVN (pronounced “Mevin”) stacks are among the most popular technology stacks that developers use…
v8 JavaScript engine

The V8 JavaScript Engine : A high-performance JavaScript engine

In this V8 introduction, we will ignore the implementation details of V8: they can be found on more authoritative sites (e.g. the V8 official site), and they change over time, often radically. What is V8 javascript engine? V8 JavaScript engine…
Differences between Node.js and Browser

Why use node.js for backend : A complete case study with pros and cons

With so many frameworks available, sometimes it is hard to decide on something new and different. In the case of Node.js, you probably have heard sentences like ‘JavaScript runtime’ or ‘event-driven’ or ‘operates on a single thread…
5 Best Python frameworks to enhance coding experience

Pros and Cons of Python programming that every beginner must know

Python, developed by Guido van Rossum, is considered one of the major programming languages in the world that is highly popular among developers. It is a great open-source platform that covers all the major requirements of the developers that…

Top 5 Programming languages to start your tech career in 2022

Top 5 Programming languages in 2022 Around two decades ago, coding was considered as the future of the technical world that is now true. The sentimental value of coding has increased at a remarkable rate and is even going high with time. Now,…